페이지위치 현황 및 이동,그 외 버튼


BK21동물의료·생명과학사업단, NTS Research & Inc(Canada)와 MOU체결

페이지 정보

작성자최고관리자 조회 3,851회 작성일 2010-05-13 01:26:30 댓글 0


BK21 동물의료?생명과학사업단(단장:정의배)에서는 지난 5월10일(월) 11시 수의과대학 학장실에서 NTS Research & Inc(캐나다)와 사업수행, 기술정보교류, 프로젝트 개발 및 협력 등을 위한 양해각서를 체결하였다.

이번 협약은 수의학 분야의 연구 교류와 함께 교수 및 학생교류를 통한 인적 네트워크를 구축하는데 그 목적이 있다.

체결된 양해각서 주요 내용은 아래와 같다.

1. The purpose of this agreement is to develop research cooperation on the basis of equality and reciprocity, and to promote relations and mutual understanding between two institutions.

2. Both institutions undertake to promote and develop research cooperation in the following ways:

(1)Exchange of students and researchers for advanced study and research

(2)Exchange of professors and scholars for lectures, research talks and sharing of experience

(3)Supporting and undertaking joint research in the field of mutual interests of both institutions

(4)Exchange of information and bioactive materials which would be tested and achieved during mutual collaboration

(5)Sharing research outcomes and publications for academic presentation and advertisement

(6)Sharinglegal right of patents and development of products and goods which would be obtained from research outcomes


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  • 특허문의: 043-261-3495